In addition to the ICE1 masters for PLC-based applications, two other modules are available for use in cloud-based and hybrid systems: the ICE2 (EtherNet/IP) and ICE3 (PROFINET) IO-Link master series. These support the industry’s leading protocols, including EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, and MODBUS TCP, and offer an OPC UA interface in addition to the real-time fieldbus protocol. The open architecture of OPC UA (Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture) opens up cross-vendor, platform-independent, and interoperable collaboration of machines in production and makes communication between machines and computer- or cloud-based systems possible—both in closed networks and via internet. Both IO-Link masters come with a completely web-based configuration concept for setting all module parameters and all connected IO-Link devices (web IODD operation). Thus, additional software or a higher-level programmable logic controller (PLC) are not required. When replacing or expanding modules, all module settings can be saved as a separate file and transferred to a new device using the module cloning function. OPC UA ensures a constant exchange of information across all levels so that processes in plants can be designed even more efficiently
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsSignal typedigitalBusEtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, IO-LinkNumber of inputs/outputs8 digital inputs, 16-I/OOther characteristicsIP67