Our PM-1000 potato peeler is designed for cleaning and polishing foods. Commercial abrasive or brushed potato peeler The machine low-maintenance and provides the user with the best polishing or peeling results. Benefits and features The PM-1000 commercial abrasive or brush potato peeler is a low maintenance machine that gives the user their best polishing or peeling results. Vegetable skins are instantly disposed of thanks to a water jet. Waste goes in a separate filter to prevent the floor drain from jamming during usage. When you combine this ease-of-use with a powerful set of functionality, you’ve got yourself one very powerful vegetable peeling machine. • Versatile. Machine can be used both for peeling and polishing. • Easy to Clean. Can be washed with low pressure water.
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsFood productvegetable, potatoTypeabrasiveAssociated functionbrushMass productivity
1,000 kg/h, 1,500 kg/h (2,205 lb/h)