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Universal indicator BA9624NLEDwith bar graph displaypanel-mount

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Артикул: BA9624N TME арт.: BA9624N

Universal design for 0/4..20 mA, 0..10 V DC ● Red LED display (optional green) ● Vertical and horizontal mounting ● All ranges selectable via terminal ● Display area selectable via potentiometer Features Bargraph indicators of the BA series are especially suited to display constantly changing readings. Due to the compact housing they can be easily integrated into control panels and graphs. The BA9624N design is particularly suitable for processing unit signals 0/4-20 mA and 0 to 10 V DC. The adaptation to the respective input signal results from the terminal. The indicator’s zero point and full-scale value can be adjusted via separate potentiometer.

Технические характеристики

CharacteristicsMeasured valueuniversalDisplayLED, with bar graph displayTypepanel-mount, integratedOther characteristicscompact, 4-20 mA