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Thin-film resistor HMS serieshigh-powernon-inductiveSMD

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Артикул: HMS series TME арт.: HMS series

ⅠMicronox ® resistance films are fired directly onto a ceramic core at temperatures above 1400°F (760℃). These resistance films have demonstrated outstanding stability when exposed to a high ambient temperature, thermal shock and high power densities. Ⅱ. This unique approach to precision power resistors opens new design possibilities by providing a wider resistance range, precise temperature characteristics, and higher temperature and power handling capability. Ⅲ. The Serpentine Pattern used in this patented product contain features which enhance high stability in High Power Resistor applications. Ⅳ. Most models are manufactured with “KWX” Non-Inductive serpentine resistive pattern that provides for neighboring lines to carry current in opposite directions, thereby achieving maximum cancellation of fl ux fi elds over the entire length of the resistor. This effi cient non-inductive construction is accomplished without derating of any performance advantages. Ⅴ. The result is a truly non-inductive resistor that is about as inductive as a straight piece of wire the length of the resistor body. This effi cient design means faster settling times and minimum distortion in all types of high frequency circuits.

Технические характеристики

CharacteristicsTechnologythin-filmElectrical characteristicshigh-power, non-inductiveMountingSMDResistance

Max.: 30,000,000 Ohm

Min.: 10 Ohm

Power rating

Max.: 22 W

Min.: 0.25 W