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Thermocouple thermometer BluethermOnedigitalruggedfor food

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Артикул: BluethermOne TME арт.: BluethermOne

The BLUETHERM One is a robust and easy-to-use device for temperature measurement operations in HACCP procedures. The measurement is made by simply pressing the pushbutton. It can be used with interchangeable thermocouple probes: — Quick response needle probe for core temperature — Hypodermic probe for vacuum cooking — Surface probe for grill temperature It communicates in Bluetooth with a tablet equipped with the MyFoodCheck mobile app, dedicated to temperature control operations related to HACCP procedures. Data are synchronized with the JRI Mysirius web platform. BENEFITS -Easy to use -Robust -Bluetooth communication -Automatic data transmission to the Myfoodcheck mobile app -Display screen -IP 65 (optional protective shell)

Технические характеристики

CharacteristicsTechnologythermocoupleDisplaydigitalProtection levelruggedApplicationsfor foodTemperature

Min.: -200 °C (-328 °F)

Max.: 1,372 °C (2,502 °F)