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Silver gasket GT5000 EX SPaluminumsiliconeconductive

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Артикул: GT5000 EX SP TME арт.: GT5000 EX SP

Space industry evolve. Us too. Our GT5000 EX SP is the result of several years of research by our innovation department. Its mechanical properties place our new product at the heart of a major change to fully meet your requirements and your severe environmental constraints Highly conductive, our GT5000 EX SP was developed from a silver aluminum filled expansed conductive silicone. Its low density and its great flexibility guarantee perfect compatibility with all your components and optimal electromagnetic protection for your equipment. Thanks to its spatial qualification according to the ESA-ECSS-Q-ST-70-02C TML, RML (

Технические характеристики

CharacteristicsMaterialaluminum, silver, siliconeOther characteristicsconductive, molded, mechanicalTemperature limit

Max.: 160 °C (320 °F)

Min.: -55 °C (-67 °F)