Поставка оптоэлектронных компонентов ведущих мировых производителей

Sheet steel CUBRIKperforatedgalvanized

Доставка импортных компонентов по России от 3х недель транспортными компаниями СДЭК, Деловые Линии, Major Express.
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Артикул: CUBRIK TME арт.: CUBRIK

Two decorative sheets ranges exist: — The Rythmic range — The Illusion range Rythmic range : Layout, profile lines and perforation shape of perforation, patterns and effects are created with light and shadow vertically and horizontally. You can specify level of transparency to vary the level of light that can be seen both from the outside inwards and vice versa. Illusion range : Layout, profile lines and perforation shape of perforations , patterns and effects create the illusion of 3D, including waves and multiple layers appear to rise out of the material. From basis of these layouts, you can chose your cut size. If you require continuity of pattern in either length or width direction, the peramiters in the technical data sheet need to be observed. In the case of the use of balustrades, the length of the sheet must not exceed 1350mm maximum between fixings. In the case of a facades, please contact us so that we develop the layout for you.» Edges Minimum edge is 20mm. Depending on the specification of product it can be larger to suit your project. STEEL Cold rolled steel DC01 Standard NF EN 10130 Recommendations We do not recommend these raw materials in outdoor applications or wet conditions unless they have adequate corrosion protection. Steel galvanised before cutting DX 51D + Z140 or Z275 Standard NF EN 10327 Recommendations To avoid risk of corrosion, we recommend applying an anticorrosion surface treatment for relevant to your application.

Технические характеристики

CharacteristicsShapesheet metalOther characteristicsperforated, galvanizedThickness

Min.: 1.5 mm (0.059 in)

Max.: 3 mm (0.118 in)


1,500 mm, 2,000 mm, 2,500 mm, 3,000 mm (59.06 in)


500 mm, 750 mm, 1,000 mm, 1,250 mm, 1,500 mm (19.69 in)