Product Description Measures Fluorescence, Luminescence, and Absorbance Performs fill, empty and flush operations Operates as a stand-alone reader or with input/output stackers and bottom reading optics Equipped with scanning, shaking and kinetics modules The Perkin Elmer Wallac 1420 VICTOR2 is a high performing microplate reader built for multi-tasking functions. This instrument is designed to answer the strict requirements of biotechnology, industrial and academic laboratories. Users can take advantage of multiple assay technologies fitted in the Wallac 1420 VICTOR2 microplate reader. As the successor of the Wallac VICTOR Multilabel reader, the VICTOR2 reader is capable of accessing more than ten counting modes at a given time. This enhancement covers all main non-radioactive counting technologies. Fill, empty and flush operations can be performed through the use of supplementary injectors. Microtitration plates with between 1 and 864 wells can be used for this model. Petri dishes, slides, filters and Terasaki plates are also accepted by VICTOR2 microplate readers. The Perkin Elmer VICTOR2 reader is a top of the line bench top unit and is fully functional as a stand-alone instrument or with additional input and output stackers as well as bottom reading optics. Injectors for fluorescence and flash luminescence are optional upgrades to boost productivity. Other helpful enhancements include dispenser modules, temperature controls, bottom reading and high density reading.