CatalogsGN 113.62 Pages
Технические характеристики
PIN AND PUSH BUTTON AISI 630 stainless steel. BALLS AND SPRING Stainless steel. KNOB Glass-fibre reinforced polyamide based (PA) technopolymer, black and red colour, provided with holes for security ring WORKING TEMPERATURE From -30C to +80C. FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS GN 113.6 ball lock pins are generally used for quick fixation or connection of parts to be machined, in particular for elements which need to be removed and reset continuously. ACCESSORIES ON REQUEST To optimise the use of these ball lock pins, have been designed: — ball chains GN 111 (see page 611), — retaining cables GN 111.2 (see page 612), — spiral retaining cables GN 111.4 (see page 613). INSTRUCTIONS OF USE By pressing the push button the two balls are freed and the pin can be pulled-out or inserted.