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Protection mat M6 X1compositegray

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Артикул: M6 X1 TME арт.: M6 X1

M6X1 chopped strand mat represents a compelling solution for large and thick part manufacturing when high productivity is required in hand lay-up or closed mold processes. PERFORMANCE ATTRIBUTES EASY HANDLING AND MOLDABILITY Optimized chop length mix provides superior dry tensile strength while bringing good conformability to contoured molds. HIGH PROCESS EFFICIENCY Fast wet-through and low resin pick-up combined with excellent handling properties in dry and wet conditions. This makes the product an ideal choice for large and thick parts production with dry and wet-carrying process. ENHANCED SERVICE LIFE Compared to standard E-glass, Advantex® glass helps with enhanced service life in applications facing corrosion. HAND LAY UP — CLOSED MOLDS M6X1 mat is designed for use with polyester, vinyl ester resin systems inhand lay-up or closed mold applications including automotive parts, boats, chemical tanks and pools. (Picture copyright nostal6ie, shutterstock.com. For application illustration only.) APPLICATIONS Consumer Goods > Other Open or Closed Mold Consumer Goods > Swimming Pools Industrial and Corrosion OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Oil and Gas Pipes and Tanks Transportation > Automotive > Interior > Semi-Structural Transportation > Heavy Transportation Transportation > Marine Transportation > Rail and Train

Технические характеристики


Max.: 125 cm (49 in)

Min.: 95 cm (37 in)