Product Description Randox produces an incredible range of clinical chemistry reagents and chemistry products for a wide variety of open system analyzers. Did you know that over 1000 tests are currently available? ! Antibodies recombinant proteins HDL & LDL free radicals special proteins therapeutic drugs environmentals quality control sera and more. Randox has quality control systems to support the RX Daytona RIQAS accredited external controls 24/7 Internet driven peer group controls Quality control sera with 167 analytes for internal controls What is RIQAS? RIQAS the external quality assessment scheme from Randox Laboratories is the world?s first clinical EQA scheme to gain UKAS accreditation. EQA schemes serve to stimulate and monitor improvements in inter-laboratory agreement to facilitate optimal patient care. RIQAS provides a first class inter laboratory comparison assessment service and is currently used by circa 5000 laboratories in 59 countries around the world. Already ISO 13485 accredited the quality management assessment system of RIQAS has been assessed by and meets the requirements of an internationally recognized quality assessment system. RIQAS has been providing ?Proficiency Testing Schemes? for laboratories worldwide for over 14 years. Today RIQAS offers 9 programs with 166 analytes and prides itself in being a dynamic user-led scheme offering flexible program choice for laboratory medicine EQA. RIQAS recognizes that the needs of laboratories participating in EQA programs can vary significantly and therefore offers flexible program choice. Participating laboratories receive user-friendly charted reports with rapid turn around times. Advice assistance and support from a highly trained technical support team and independent advisory panel are also available. Since the purpose of an EQA scheme is to assess a laboratory?s ability to accurately and correctly analyze patient samples it is imperative that the EQA scheme itself is audited to ensure their procedures are of an acceptable standard. RIQAS can now strengthen the message that it is a first-class EQA provider with international acclaim! What is Randox 24/7 Registration? 24/7 registration software allows rapid data entry by user-defined panels serum groups or tests and enables laboratories to monitor (internal quality control) and compare (peer group reporting) analytical performance with thousands of laboratories worldwide. Multilevel passwords are available to ensure that only authorized personnel can amend category listings. This package is offered in partnership with Randox?s Quality Control Sera. Randox Quality Control Sera? ! Selecting control products to suit your laboratory?s needs has never been easier! Randox have introduced an easy selection guide with color-coded control levels to enable rapid selection of control products to suit the needs of your laboratory. All Randox control products are manufactured to the same high specifications using procedures recognized by ISO 13485. Randox Example TEST PANELS Immunoturbidimetric a-1 acid glycoprotein a-1 antitrypsin ASO B 2 Microglobulin Complement Component 3 Complement Component 4 CRP full range (0.1-160 mg/l) CRP high sensitivity Ferritin Haptoglobin IgA IgE IgG IgM Microalbumin Myoglobin Rheumatoid factor Transthyretin (prealbumin) Lipids Apolipoprotein A-1 Apolipoprotein AII Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein CII Apolipoprotein CIII Apolipoprotein E Cholesterol HDL-cholesterol LDL-cholesterol Lipoprotein (a) Triglycerides Substrates Albumin Bile Acids Bilirubin (direct) Bilirubin (total) Calcium CO2 total Fructosamine Creatinine Glucose (GOD-PAP) Glucose (UV) HbA1c/Hb Homocysteine Iron Lithium Magnesium Phosphorus (inorganic) Potassium Sodium Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) Total protein Urea Uric acid Zinc Enzymes Alk. phos. (AMP) Alk. phos. (DEA) ALT (GPT) Amylase Amylase pancreatic AST (GOT) CK-MB CK-NAC Gamma-GT LD Lactate-pyruvate LD Pyruvate-lactate Lipase Electrolytes Cl Chloride K+ Potassium Na+ Sodium Therapeutic drugs Amikacin Carbamazapine Digitoxin Gentamicin Lidocaine Phenobarbital Phenytoin Quinidine Theophylline Valproic acid General Chemistries Acid phos. Albumin Alk phos. Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein Alpha-1 Antitrypsin ALT Amikacin Ammonia Amylase Apolipoprotein A-1 B ASO AST Bile Acids (5th generation) Bilirubin Bilirubin direct BUN Urea Calcium Carbamazepine Chloride Cholesterol Cholinesterase CK-MB CK-NAC CO2 total Complement C3 Complement C4 Copper Creatinine C-reactive protein (CRP) Digitonin Digitoxin Digoxin Ferritin Fructosamine G-6-PDH Gamma GT Gentamicin GLDH Glucose hexokinase Glucose oxidase Glutathiane reductase Glycerol Haemoglobin HBDH HDL-Cholesterol IgA IgE IgG IgM Inorganic phosphorous Iron Lactate LAP LD lactate->, Pyruvate LD pyruvate->, Lactate LDL-Cholesterol Lipase Lipoprotein (a) Magnesium Microalbumin Myoglobin NEFA Pancreatic amylase Phosphorous (inorg) Potassium Ranbut (Hydroxybutyrate) Ransel (Glutathione Peroxidase) Ransod (Superoxide Dismutase) Rheumatoid Factor Sodium TAS TIBC Total bile acids Total protein T3 T4 Transferrin Triglycerides UIBC Urea (bun) Uric acid Urinary protein Valporic Acid Zinc Electrolytes (enzymatic method) Chloride CO2 Lithium Sodium Potassium