Compact Integrating Sphere Detector The ISD-5-VISNIR integrating sphere detector employs a 50 mm / 2 inch diameter Barium Sulfate (ODP97) coated integrating sphere with 12.7 mm / 0.5 inch diameter measurement port and a (400-1100) nm radiometric detector. Diffuser Window The sphere mounted photometric sensor is equipped with a diffusor so that the detector integrates reflected light from almost the complete integrating sphere surface. This greatly reduces hot spot effects caused by the first reflection of the light. Baffle The sensor is positioned close to the measurement port to produce a large acceptance angle within the sphere without direct irradiation of the detector. Traceable calibration Calibration of radiant power responsivity in W is performed at Gigahertz-Optik’s Calibration Laboratory for Optical Radiation Quantities.
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsDetected entitypowerTechnologyphotometric, radiometricOther characteristicscompact