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Образовательное программное обеспечение Kaluza Analysis, 5 пользователей (сеть)

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Kaluza Analysis Software is a stand-alone program supporting data analysis from any Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS)-compliant file, regardless of the manufacturer. This is a full-featured high-performance package with improved processing capabilities for multidimensional analysis including enhanced color compensation algorithms and real time adjustments to data display allowing visual data exploration. The software can process files of up to 20 million events while offering analytical speed that is dramatically faster than other commercially-available software. The built in batch processing function improves the laboratory workflow for high throughput laboratories. Value pricing available for bundle of 5 concurrent seats, controled by the Network License Control Center, for the current released version at the time of purchase in perpetuity. Academic institution discounted version.

Технические характеристики

CompatibilityKaluza Analysis can load any listmode file that is compliant with the FCS standard up through version 3.1.
Plot TypesAdd All Plots, Cell Cycle Analysis Plots, Comparison Plots, Contour Plots, Density Plots, Dot Plots, Histograms, Overlay Plots, Radar Plots, Tree Plots
GatesAuto Gates, Boolean Gates, Ellipse Gates, Hinged Quadrant Gates, Linear and Divider Gates, Polygon Gates, Quadrant / Staggered Quadrant Gates, Rectangle Gates, Showing Gated Populations as Rare Events, Viewing Gate Logic
StatisticsArithmetic Mean, Coefficient of Variation (CV), % Gated, % Grandparent, Half Peak of Coefficient of Variation (HPCV), Median, Mode, Number, Standard Deviation (SD), % Total
CompensationAccounting for Auto-fluorescence, Adjusting Compensation, Automatic Compensation Calculation, Importing a Compensation File, Resetting Spillover and Auto-fluorescence Vector Values, Saving a Compensation File
ReportingApproval Signature, Comparing Report Sheets, Configure Report Sheets including layout formatting, Export information to Laboratory Information System, Export plots and data for use in other applications, Master Page, QC Reports including Levey-Jennings
License TypeNetworked Users
Number of Users5
License TermPerpetuity