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NuWind NU-C200V Универсальная настольная центрифуга объемом 2 литра

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Product Description Download Product Brochure Download Centrifuge Tube Guide #image_1368135196 { width: 100%, } The NuWind NU-C200V General Purpose Bench Top 2 Liter Centrifugecan be used for the separation of substances at different densities that are held in suspension or emulsion in a liquid. It is designed to maximize productivity in the laboratory since it only takes up a minimal amount of space. The NuWind centrifuge offers precise temperature control. Max Speed 15,300 rpm Max Capacity 4x 625 ml Dims:18.1 x 22 x 14 (WxDxH) inches Electrical:115 V &plusmn, 10% 60 Hz Robust selection of rotors available

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