Manufacturing data analytics to improve your workshop efficiency and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) Get instant access to data about your machine- and tool utilization, increased transparency and the opportunity to optimize your production processes. Configure dashboard and reports, set watcher rules and create tickets for improvements. Get in contact with a sales representative. Planning for availability in your workshop requires transparency into all operations. While manual collection of data and documentation becomes tedious and time-consuming, a connected machine will offer new possibilities for transparency, optimized planning and a streamlined production. These are only a few examples of the benefits created in the organization: Plant management: Increase overall efficiency and meet delivery demands with quality and profitability. Production engineering: Improve processes, facilitate capacity planning and secure that operations are carried out in a cost-efficient manner. Production management: Optimize operations and collaboration within workshops and between factories in order to reduce cost. Operators: Feedback and contribute to insights for optimization of the manufacturing process and machine operations.
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsFunctionsmanagement, quality, engineering, optimization, planning, dashboard, production managementApplicationsprocess, machine