The Bio-Plex 3D suspension array system is the next generation multiplexing platform based on xMAP technology. Expanded multiplexing capability, faster time to results, and automation capability make it the platform of choice for high-throughput testing for nucleic acid and protein applications.
- Software: xPONENT (acquisition) Bio-Plex Manager (analysis)
- Optics: Lasers/APDs/ PMTs
- Multiplex Capacity: 500
- Bead Compatibility: MagPlex-C, MicroPlex, LumAvidin, xTAG
- Read Time: ~20 min/96-well plate, ~75 min/384-well plate
- Applications: High-throughput
- Plate Format: 96-well/384-well
- Dynamic Range:5 logs
Includes: computer, touch screen monitor, manuals, and software.