CatalogsKelvin clip 1Z / 4 Z1 Pages
Технические характеристики
The Kelvin clipper 1Z/4Z is a robust two-pole measuring clipper connecting to cables, e.g. cable ends of cable spools, connecting and winding pins (transformers), as well as bolted connections and busbars in power engineering applications. It is designed for heavy-duty practical service. With 2 Kelvin clippers, a 4-pole-contact is possible to determine the electrical resistance of the test object according to Kelvin independent of the resistance values of the feed cables, provided that the measuring instrument is designed accordingly. Of course, the Kelvin clipper is not only suitable for resistance measurement, it can generally be used for low-resistance contacting. For example, it is used in our transformer measuring system MRC7000/PAW100 for transformation ratio measurements. Different Kelvin clipper designs are available, which mainly differ with regard to the size, the length and the type of the connected cable as well the plug used. The 4Z design features a start button to trigger off the connected measuring instrument, the 1Z design does not feature this function. The thickness and diameter ranges of the different test object connections are specified in the Technical Data. Please note that the clipper must be plugged on in the case of diameters > 25 mm. The Kelvin clipper 1Z / 4Z can be dismantled easily, the matrix elements serving for the contacting can be replaced. Further, special matrix designs can be supplied upon request.