THPGV inflatable stoppers are used within the primary zone of nuclear facilities. These systems are designed to plug steam generator man-holes during maintenance operations or if leaks are present in the steam generator’s water boxes. It becomes essential to rapidly plug the man-holes which have remained open in the event that leaks are identified on the stopper or if the primary pipeline’s drains have ruptured. Our THPGV pipe plugs have been studied and developed in close collaboration with EDF. They are the perfect solution to these problem scenarios. Several diameters of stopper are available based on the diameter of the manhole: 900mW, 1300 mW and EPR. ADVANTAGES Reliability •Autonomous inflation system •PMUC-certified equipment •Equipped with a hand-wheel for easier operator handling and installation Safety •The stopper’s inflation valve complies with the DESP directive and is certified by an independent body. •A bottle of compressed air is located inside the stopper which can be inflated when an intervention is required Handling •Operational monitoring in accordance with the constructor’s manual •An inflation system which complies with the DESP directive (Directive for Pressurised Elements) •The stopper’s weight has been optimized for operator handling •Supplied in an aluminum case with foam padding DETAILED INFORMATION •Matériel: NBR (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) PMUC •Manufacturing process: hot vulcanisation in a vacuum autoclave •Stopper diameters: 406 / 450 / 500 mm •Inflation: by nitrogen •Temperature resistance: -25°C / +85°C •Service pressure: 3.5 bar
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsTypeinflatableApplicationsfor pipesMaterialrubber