Application : Highly flexible hose for more than 75 % of ail industrial Chemicals. Limits regarding medium. concentration, température see résistancechart. ElectricaHyconductive connection via tube or cover without metallic contact. Meets EN 12115. ‘Lilac Band’ multi purpose hose for Chemicals, acids (except for concentr. oxidisirtg acids), alkalis. sait solutions, alcohols, polar solvents, acétates, aldéhydes, ester, ketones. hot cooling water, hot air. not oily. Température range -40° up to + 100eC (depending on medium). Open s team cleaning up to 150°C/ max. 30 min. Not suitable for aliphatic. aromatic and halogenated hydro-carbons. fuels, chlorine. ether. tar oils and oxidising acids. Lining — : EPDM. black. smooth. seamless. et. conductive Reinforcements : Textile braids (Type CHS additionalty with galvanised Steel hélix) Cover : EPDM. conductive. résistant against ozone
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsUsefor hot water, for chemical products, alcoholMaterialEPDM, NBRApplicationsfor chemical applications, transferOther characteristicsflexible, chemical-resistant, electrically-conductive, rugged, heat/cold-resistant, fabric-braidedPressure
10 bar (145.038 psi)