LOGSET TH85 Logset TH85 is the second largest head in Logset’s TH range. Together with the Logset 12 H GTE Hybrid harvester, it takes productivity to unseen levels. Logset TH85 is designed for felling, feeding and cross-cutting trees between 80 cm and 4 cm in diameter. Its three feeding wheels and four hydraulic motors provide an impressive feeding force with even the most difficult trees. Its total weight of 2 100 kg makes for a reliable structure in terms of chassis, knives and pivots. The saw unit can be equipped with either 0,404” or ¾” pitch saw chains and up to a 1-meter saw bar. Logset TH85 has all the elements needed for a great cutting experience: performance and efficiency. As a standard, all the heads in the TH range come with the TOC-MD 2 mesuring device. The user interface allows you to easily use and adjust features such as proportional knife control, automatic cross cutting, and feeding speed. The seamless integration of TOC-MD 2 with the head guarantees high productivity.
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsMax. cutting diameter
900 mm (35 in)