Product Description Classic Gold Standard Reliability on a budget Over 50,000 sold worldwide Up to two detector two inlet capabilities Multiple automated sampling options Compatible with multiple data analysis software packages Electronic pressure control option GMI can service your 5890 for years to come GMI offers installations and full service options HP 5890 Series II GC system with dual detectors (choice of FID or TCD), autosampler, data system System is refurbished to specification & is GMI Certified Includes: HP 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph Dual Split Splitless Inlet (or Packed Inlet) Choice of 2 detectors (TCD or FID) 7673B Autosampler, tower, 100 sample tray, & controller Computer Data System (Win 7 PC) with preinstalled software Flat panel 17 monitor, keyboard, mouse All cables, electronically supplied manuals, & complete performance documentation Your GMI recertified GC system was refurbished to specification and tested by manufacturer trained engineers, Installation (optionally) available. GMI has sold defect free HP 5890 series II GC Systems for 20 years and currently has on-hand inventory to build virtually any configuration. Unlike the manufacturer, GMI can support your instrument for years to come. Why buy a classic Hewlett Packard 5890 series GC? Other than a more economical solution compared to a 6890 or 7890&hellip,&hellip, The Hewlett Packard 5890 and 5890 II series continues to be the gold standard of reliability for gas chromatography and is still used by tens of thousands of scientists in thousands of laboratories worldwide. HP 5890 series II and 5890 series II Plus GCs can be used reliably to analyse chemical components of complex samples in industry, toxicology, drug screening, food safety, forensics, as well as general chemical analysis. Each instrument can be configured to fit your specific analytical needs and budget. Remember that 75% of all routine analysis can be done just as well on a HP 5890 as on the next generation 6890 series with no degradation in the data obtained. The 5890 is a PROVEN workhorse! While the HP 5890 Series II Plus is specifically designed for Electronic Pressure Control (EPC), the classic HP 5890 Series II system will adequately accommodate 90% of all applications. This model gas chromatograph boasts of five inlet and six detector options as well as several control and pressure elements. Additional options include gas sampling valves and both liquid and headspace auto samplers as well as packaged with Chromperfect control and analysis software running on Windows 10 ! This GC Instrument compatible with *Chemstation, or NEW Data (Award winning Chromperfect for Windows 10) Analysis Software, or DataApex Clarity for Windows. GMI supplied 5890 series GCs can provide users with options for columns, detectors and inlets to heighten equipment versatility. Listed below are common GMI supplied configurations of the Hewlett Packard 5890 II Series: 5890 Series II single injector (split/split less or Packed) single FID detector 5890 Series II single injector (split/split less or Packed) single TCD detector 5890 Series II dual injectors (split/split less or Packed) dual FID detectors 5890 Series II dual injectors (split/split less or Packed) dual TCD detectors 5890 Series II dual injectors (split/split less or Packed) dual FID/TCD detectors Need a mass selective detector? No problem, why not consult your sales engineer today. NOTE: GMI no longer recommends purchase of 5890 Series GCs with ECD detectors. Such are END OF LIFE CYCLE . GMI only promotes safe sustainable solutions. Choose a 6890 series model if an ECD is required. Did you know that GMI offers complete and comprehensive maintenance and support plans? your choice- for one instrument or dozens-one facility or multi-site labs. Inlet Options 5890 PI (Packed Inlet) 5890 SSI (Split/Splitless Capillary Inlet) 5890 Temperature Prog. On-Column Inlet 5890 Split/Splitless Inlet w/EPC 5890 Temp Prog. On-Column Inlet w/EPC Split-only capillary Programmable Cool On- Column capillary (PCOC) (The PCOC injector is useful for biodiesel applications Detector Options 5890 FID (Flame Ionization Detector) 5890 TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector) 5890 ECD (Electron Capture Detector) 5890 FPD (Flame Photometric Detector) 5890 NPD (Nitrogen Phosphorous Detector) Split/Splitless Capillary Range to 400C in 1C increments Back-pressure design permits independent adjustment of split flow rate without affecting column flow Septum purge built in at 3 ml/min Accepts columns up to 1.2-mm od Multimode design includes split and splitless injection Splitless purge time variable in 0.01-min elements Flame Ionization Detector Range to 450C Grounded jet and current limited design for operator safety Push-button flame ignition Sensitive: o 18 mCoul/gm carbon: nitrogen carrier, 0.018-in. id jet o 15 mCoul/gm carbon: helium carrier, 0.018-in. id jet o 22mCoul/gm carbon: nitrogen carrier, 0.018-in. id capillary jet o 18 mCoul/gm carbon: helium carrier, 0.018-in. id capillary jet o Minimum detectable: 5 pg carbon/sec, nitrogen carrier at S/N=2 o Linear dynamic range: +/- 10% over a 10 7 range with 0.018-in. id jet o Conditions: column flow 50 ml/min, 45 ml/min H2, 650 ml/min air, propane sample Thermal Conductivity Detector Range to 400 C Single-filament (single column) design has fluidic switching of reference and analytical carrier flows Minimum detectable :400 pg/ml carrier equivalent to 1 pmm neon in 1 ml air Linear dynamic range:+/- 5% over 105 range Digital gain setting time-programmable through the keyboard Conditions: detector 100 C, 45 ml/min switching and 30 ml/min analytical flow of helium, propane sample Column Oven Operating range: 4 C above ambient to 450 C Setpoint entry: 1 C for temperatures, 0.1 C for program rates Programming: Rates 0.1 to 70 C per min, 650 min maximum run time, Three ramps with initial/final holds 7673B Autosampler Includes Injection tower, 100-sample tray and controller, INET Communications Service, Parts, Relocations, Installations, Validations, Buy, Sell, Rent, Lease one call does it all from GMI Do you own an 5890 and want to move up to a newer system? Your 5890 may be eligible for the GMI Trade-In Trade-up Program Ask your representative today how to save on a newer GC system from GMI.