Single Hardware for implementing FF & PROFIBUS PA technologies into field devices commKit is a set of hardware, software, and customer specific consulting services. Manufacturers of field devices can quickly and cost-effectively enable devices with a HART or Modbus interface for FOUNDATION Fieldbus and PROFIBUS PA. Instead of elaborately developing a C-application that converts the complex functional block models of FF and PROFIBUS PA to HART commands or Modbus registers of the field device, this mapping is described in a script which is loaded onto the communication interface commModule MBP and is interpreted there. commKit consists of: • the commModule MBP, which is the interface for FF-H1 or PROFIBUS-PA, interprets the device-specific script and communicates with the field device via HART or Modbus • the software tool commScripter for generating the device-specific mapping function • a customer-specific workshop and supplementary products For further information visit our website
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsBusFOUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS PA