The 77343 Photomultiplier Tube covers the 400 to 1200 nm range with a peak wavelength of 800 nm, with a Borosilicate glass window material. PMTs are the most sensitive single channel detector offered by Oriel Instruments, making them an excellent choice for low-light measurements.
Технические характеристики
- Active Area 16 x 18 mm
- Wavelength Range 400-1200 nm
- NEP 1.2 x 10-13 W
- Peak Responsivity 2.2 mA/W
- Rise Time 1.1 ns
- Transit Time 17 ns
- Current 10 A
- Current Amplification 3.0 x 105
- Dark Current 350 nA
- Bias Voltage 1500 V Absolute Maximum
- Anode Responsivity 2.2 x 104 A/W
- Peak Wavelength 800 nm
- Operating Temperature Range -30 to +50°C