CBMserie IDUSTRIAL AIR CONDITTIONERS ROOFED FOR POWER PANELS AND ELECTRICAL ROOMS – HEAVY DUTY INDUSTRY iron and steel off shore mining APPLICATION operator cabine electrical rooms STANDARD FEATURES The CBM air conditioners are designed for the thermoregulation of operator cabin and electrical rooms in general. Are suitable for installation in the most harsh environment of the industry as moving cranes, bulky material handling lines and in all application where present high vibration or extreme temperature. Thanks to Refrind’s experience, CBM air conditioners result in reliable, sturdy, easy and reduced in maintenance products, therefore suitable for operation in particularly harsh conditions. CONSTRUCTION packaged frame with compact construction, suitable for roof top installation housing made in high thickness steel, RAL5010 powder painting with textured finishing easy service access thanks to lateral removable panels lifting eyebolts for easy handling finned heat exchangers, composed of high thickness copper tubes and aluminium fins, with wide fin spacing to avoid the accumulation of dirt
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsConfigurationfloor-standingTypecompactApplicationsindustrial, for offshore applications, for marine applicationsOther characteristicsair-cooled, energy-saving, free coolingCooling power
Max.: 10 kW
Min.: 6 kW