Поставка оптоэлектронных компонентов ведущих мировых производителей

Euromex Delphi-X Observer, тринокулярный микроскоп с окулярами SWF 10x/25 мм Ø 30 мм, объективы Plan PLi 4/10/20/S40/S100x oil IOS, парфокальный EIS 60 мм, предметный столик 190 x 152 мм с механическим размером 78 x 32 мм сцена и освещение NeoLED мощностью 3 Вт

Доставка импортных компонентов Euromex по России от 3х недель транспортными компаниями СДЭК, Деловые Линии, Major Express.
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Product Description SWF 10x/25 mm eyepieces Trinocular head with Siedentopf 30 inclined &Oslash, 30 mm tubes. Interpupillary distance 47-78 mm with diopter adjustment on both eyepieces 3-position beamsplitter (0:100/ 100:0/ 80:20) Revolving sextuple reversed nosepiece on ball bearings Plan PLi 4x/0.10, 10x/0.25, 20x/0.40, S40x/0.65, S100x/1.25 oil immersion IOS objectives, EIS 60 mm parfocal objectives All optics are anti-fungus treated and anti-reflection coated for maximum light throughput 190 mm x 152 mm stage equipped with integrated 78 x 32 mm mechanical stage and scratch-resistant Gorilla glass Height adjustable Abbe swing-out N.A. 0.90/ 1.25 condenser with numerical aperture engravings Coaxial coarse and fine adjustments with 100 graduations. Precision 1 ?m, 0.1 mm per rotation. Total travel approximately 35 mm Rack-stop for protection of slides and objectives. Friction adjustment Diascopic intensity adjustable 3 W NeoLED illumination with Internal 100-240 V power supply (CE) iCare Sensor: the illumination of the microscope automatically switches off when the microscopist steps away from his position, saving energy Carrying grip at the back of the microscope for safe transportation and Allen screwdriver in integrated holder Supplied with power cord, 500 mA 250 V spare fuse, 5 ml immersion oil, dust cover and user manual, all packed in carton shipment box

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