FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 Single-Channel Protocol Software for Mobile Hosts The FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF) H1 Mobile Host solution provides protocol software designed for Softing’s FBK-2 to be implemented in customer-specific hand-held tools. It supports the full range of FF protocol features and allows very fast implementation. • Investment Protection • Short Time-to-Product • Extended Functionality for Handhelds Investment Protection due to Combination of Key Advantages Softing’s new FF mobile host solution combines the advantages of Softing’s high-performance portable FF-H1 Host Stack with the widely known industry-proven Fieldbus Kit FBK-2 Hardware. Both continuously adapted to conform with Fieldbus foundation specifications. Fast Time-to-market By implementing Softing’s mobile host solution customers can reduce the time-to-market to a minimum. Softing’s standard FBK-2 hardware is mostly used as a universal piggyback solution for Softing’s Foundation fieldbus device stack. The hardware has already passed the Physical Layer Test and Conformance Test of the Fieldbus foundation. Extended Functionality and Ease of Use By implementing Softing’s mobile host solution manufacturers can offer their end users access to H1 networks within the field level by using a FF enabled host application. Softing is able to provide advice and support in developing or acquiring individual host applications. Handheld tools that include Softing’s Mobile Host solution can eliminate the need to carry different interfaces for process control systems.
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsFunctionscommunications, FF H1 protocolApplicationsprocess, for mobile applicationsOther characteristicshigh-performance