C1015 Fixed-Angle Rotor, Aluminum, Major applications: Pelleting of subcellular organelles, viruses, bacteria, mitochondria, chloroplasts, or algae. Places: 10, Tube Volumes: 15 mL conical tubes 1″, cellpadding 4″, cellspacing 0″, Allegra 64R, Allegra X-22R, Allegra X-30, Allegra X-30R, Max RPM 10,000, 9,000, 9,500, 9,000, 10,000, Max RCF, 10,400, 8,437, 9,400, 8,437, 10,416. Notes: Maximum speed/RCF are different in the Allegra, 64R centrifuge and the Allegra, X-22 centrifuge. This rotor is rated at a lower speed in the Allegra, X-22 and X-22R centrifuges, so forces and k factors are different. For use in Allegra, 64R, Allegra, X-22 Series, and discontinued GS-15 Series, Allegra, 21 Series and Avanti, 30 centrifuges.