Поставка оптоэлектронных компонентов ведущих мировых производителей

Бляшки Runchek (трещинные панели)

Панели Gould-Bass Runchek изготовлены из высокопрочного пластика, устойчивого к растворителям. Панели трещин содержат две микротрещины на одной стороне каждой панели. Эти панели Runchek обеспечивают простую и экономичную гарантию того, что процесс проникающей инспекции работает должным образом. Runchek Placques (трещинные панели), 100 шт. в упаковке

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Product Information

The Gould-Bass Runchek Panels are made of high strength plastic which is highly resistant to solvent.  The crack panels contain two micro cracks on one side of each panel.  These Runchek Panels provide a simple and economical guarantee that the penetrant inspection process is working properly.

The degree of visibility of these defects at the end of the penetrant inspection process provides a check of the efficiency and control of the penetrant process cycle as a whole, as well as that of the “in use” products ( i.e., penetrant, emulsifier and developer).

The Gould-Bass Runchek Crack Panels are normally attached to each basket or jig in a manual, semi-automatic or automatic penetrant processing system.  They may also be attached to each component or used singly as test panels.

Runchek Plaques (Crack Panels) are not reusable.

The Gould-Bass Runchek Plaques are suitable for all groups of penetrants included on the Mil-I-25135 Q.P.L.

Технические характеристики