Andors new iXon Life EMCCD (Electron Multiplying CCD) platform is available exclusively for fluorescence microscopy applications and is engineered to deliver single photon sensitivity with absolutely unparalleled price/performance. The ideal detector to drive superlative performance from confocal spinning disk technology. Whilst affording superb confocality and low rates of phototoxicity, spinning disk experiments are inherently photon starved, by virtue of the photon rejection implicit to optical sectioning. The superior sensitivity of the iXon Life detector brings these low light images to life.
- Sensor Type: Back Illuminated, standard AR coated
- Active pixels (H x V): 512 x 512
- Pixel Size (H x V: m): 16 x 16 &mu,m
- Image Area: 8.2 x 8.2 mm with 100% Fill Factor
- Active Area Pixel Well Depth (e-): 80,000 180,000
- Pixel Readout Rate
- Minimum Temperature, air cooled, ambient 20C: 10 MHz -70C, 17 MHz3 -70C
- Chiller Liquid Cooling, coolant @ 10C, >,0.75l/min: 10 MHz -80C, 17 MHz3 -80C
- Thermostatic Precision: ±, 0.01C
- Triggering: Internal, External, External Start, External Exposure, Software Trigger
- System Window Type: UV-grade fused silica, Broadband Visible-Near Infrared, 0.5 degree wedge
- Digitization: 16-bit (at all speeds)
- PC Interface: USB 2.0
- Lens Mount: C-mount
- Dark Current and Background Events4,5:
- Dark Current (e- /pixel/sec) @ -80C: 0.00030
- Spurious Background (events/pix) @ 1000x gain / -80C: 0.0018
- Active Area Pixel Well Depth: 180,000 e
- Gain Register Pixel Well Depth6: 800, 000 e
- Read noise (e-) 7: <,1
- Linearity8: Better than 99.9%
- Vertical Clock Speed: 0.3 to 3.3 s (user selectable)
- Timestamp accuracy: 10 ns