State of the Art Scanning System of Paint Defects in the Production Line There is always a challenge to achieve a consistent high quality surface on a car body during production. The goal of the manufactures is to reduce defects and, quickly and accurately fix the ones that occur. EINES, the established name in European Automotive Industry for surface inspection has arrived to Americas with Konica Minolta’s global support network. The EINES® esφi Paint-Quality Scanner can quickly scan a wide range of coating processes in car a body. As Konica Minolta Group Company, EINES® customers will benefit from global Sales and Support capabilities of a global company. Features • The EINES® esφi Paint-Quality Scanner detects car body defects such as dents, ripples, craters, etc. It can also detects pinholes and other microdefects • The tunnel scanner analyzes the whole car body surface with more than 60K images from top to bottom for a wide variety of defects and ID’s their exact location • “The EINES® esφi Paint-Quality Scanner is the first system able to scan on a moving line, even on a line of short cycle times (high speed line) • There is no need to stop the line while scanning a car body, which means no interruption of production tact times resulting in higher productivity and efficiency • The EINES® esφi Paint-Quality Scanner can scan a wide range of coating process on the car body, besides the finished surface of C-Coat, its outstanding image processing capability can be used to scan the Primer and E-Coat process, detecting defects and contaminations at early an stage allowing countermeasures to be taken immediately without downtime, saves rework, time, and energy
Технические характеристики
CharacteristicsNumber of axes3DApplicationsfor surface inspection, for detectionTechnologylaserConfigurationlarge-format